
Backwoods Bound Bulletin Board
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Barbecued Raccoon  Pat Starner  8057  7-14-2012 3:17 PM
Buck Thorns firewater  David  2072  4-24-2017 9:56 PM
Buffalo Recipes  Backwoods Bound  3946  12-21-2010 2:36 PM
cooking squirrel  cdamler  4255  2-2-2010 12:04 PM
Deer grilling  Buckrub1  5518  1-11-2009 08:38 AM
deer meat loaf recipe  tammy  8671  6-13-2010 11:04 AM
Deer Salami recipe  Jim David  5550  1-29-2008 6:08 PM
drunk chicken  tony crawford  5382  7-23-2006 12:48 PM
Duck Chili  Barbara  5854  11-10-2003 11:36 AM
fresh rabbit  Gail  4924  10-5-2011 2:21 PM
FROG  pat hardiman  5205  1-17-2010 02:19 AM
Good Dove recipe help  Firewalker  3905  2-14-2009 2:30 PM
Goose Recipes  Backwoods Bound  5293  6-7-2011 1:57 PM
grilled half duck  James Tole  5164  6-29-2004 06:35 AM
Gumbo must have okra  Jack  5234  1-13-2005 08:59 AM
hot pepper site  www.thehotpepper.com  5107  6-29-2004 3:37 PM
Kentucky Mountain Oysters  Larry McWinklesteinson  5772  4-2-2010 11:05 AM
Recipes  Backwoods Bound  10734  1-5-2006 5:48 PM
send  pat  4816  4-2-2010 10:55 AM
snake rs  Killian Evans  5999  4-2-2010 10:28 AM
squirrel gravy  Gene Raines  14154  9-26-2008 07:17 AM
summer sausage  Jim Owens  5292  12-4-2009 6:27 PM
turtle recipes  professionalturtleslayer  4019  4-2-2010 10:48 AM
Turtle trapping  presley  3906  4-1-2010 10:32 AM
Water Moccassin Recipes  Kevin  2677  7-25-2014 00:15 AM
Wild Duck  Pen  3558  11-4-2010 11:15 AM
Wild Mushrooms  Tricia  3168  3-28-2012 1:16 PM
www.bbqchat.com  bbq, and hot peppers websites!  6-29-2004 3:37 PM
young vs. old squirrel  Julia  6173  4-9-2010 12:41 PM
All times are MT (US).
All dates are in Month-Day-Year format.
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