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Backwoods Bound Bullet Volume 21 - Issue 7

  Welcome to the July 2020 issue of The Bullet. Well once again The Bullet is late getting out. Seems like the beginnings of the past few months we’re either out of town or too busy to get it out on time. Of course there is no deadline set in stone as to when the new issue goes out but we like to get it out around the first of the month. Maybe August will be different. We’ll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, this summer has been off in many ways. It’s hard to get together with friends and family as we’re accustom to in summers past. Do yourself and others a favor and practice common sense procedures as washing your hands, keep apart and the most important, wear a mask when in public. Folks cry that it’s their freedom not to wear a mask but they need to think of others freedom of not catching what you have. I’ve also heard some guys don’t want to wear a mask because it’s not “macho” looking. What’s not “macho” is not wearing one and possibly exposing others! Do you want to be the one to give the virus to your elderly grandparents or a child already suffering from some terrible illness? I don’t think you want that on your conscious. Remember, safety is no accident. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Okay. Enough said. Let’s get to it. Enjoy this hastily thrown together issue of The Bullet. Until next month, J. E. Burns, Editor-in-chief.


In this issue:

~ Backwoods Trivia
~ Recipe: Barbecued Turtle
~ Article: Navigation Tips
~ Recipe: Elk Burger Stroganoff
~ Article: Skunked
~ What's New
~ Candid CamShots
~ Article: Kenny's Corner
~ Recipe: Potato Casserole


BACKWOODS TRIVIA: Keeping with the spirit of Independence Day, we thought we’d throw this one at you again. See if you know it.

Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death"?

Find the answer at the end of this newsletter. Send your trivia questions to mail@backwoodsbound.com.



~ 1 turtle, cut into serving pieces
~ 1 stalk celery, chopped
~ 1 bell pepper, chopped
~ 1 medium onion, chopped
~ 1/2 tsp vinegar
~ salt and pepper
~ 1 bottle of your favorite bbq sauce

* Soak the turtle meat in salt water overnight or at least 1 hour.

* In a large pot, place the turtle meat, celery, pepper, onion and vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover with water and bring to a boil.

* Cover and simmer until meat is tender and ready to fall off the bone.

* Remove meat and place into a baking dish. Pour the bbq sauce over the top. Bake at 375 degrees until sauce starts to bubble.

* Reduce heat to 200 degrees and cook for 40 minutes. Baste often.

* Serve and Enjoy!

Many thanks to Dennis Howell for sharing this recipe with us. For more turtle recipes to try, visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zturtle.html.

Send in your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com and we'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet.



Lunar Creations specializes in hand crafted items including clothing and accessories, home decor, drink tumblers in various sizes and styles, and lots of other unique gifts! Visit our site to see our complete product line.

You can find us at www.facebook.com/LunarCreations636 or on Instagram @LunarCreations636.



  Hunting or hiking, particularly in remote areas, is a great experience if approached with due regard for fitness, safety and skill.

 One of the major skill categories is the ability to navigate with or without compass and map. Ideally, no one should head off the beaten track without map or compass, but what if you find yourself in that situation, or you lose or damage your compass? Here are a few basic 'skills' that could one day be of use to you.

 Finding Direction by Using Your Watch.

  If you have a watch that is working correctly, you can always quickly determine the points of the compass as long as the position of the sun is visible.

 The method used varies depending upon which hemisphere (northern or southern) that you happen to be living in. The following methods are described using an analog watch, (that's a watch with an hour and a minute hand) but they can be applied just as well if you own a digital watch - just use your imagination to superimpose the 12 hourly numerals and the relevant position of the 'hour hand' on the face of your digital watch.

 Northern Hemisphere

 1) Holding your watch horizontally, point the 'hour hand' of your watch at the sun.
 2) Note the direction that lies exactly midway between the 'hour hand' and the numeral twelve on your watch. This will be south.
 3) Once you have established this, it will be easy to determine the other points of the compass.

 Southern Hemisphere

 1) Holding your watch horizontally, point the numeral twelve on your watch at the sun.
 2) Note the direction that lies exactly midway between the twelve and the 'hour hand'. This will be north.
 3) Once you have established this, it will be easy to determine the other points of the compass.

  These methods will give you a good approximation of compass direction. If your watch happens to be adjusted for daylight saving at the time, then 'remove' the daylight saving for greater accuracy.

 Another method of determining compass points can be used if you do not have a watch. This method takes longer and also requires enough sunlight to cast a shadow.

 To Find North Without a Watch.

 1) Before noon, on level terrain, position a stick of about 3 feet upright into the ground.
 2) Mark the tip of its shadow with a peg or stone.
 3) Using the tip of the shadow as a radius, draw an arc around the stick.
 4) The shadow will shorten as it approaches noon, pulling back from the arc. It will then lengthen again - where the afternoon shadow once again touches the arc, place another peg or stone.
  5) Now draw a straight line between the two pegs/stones - this will be an east/west line, with the first peg being in the westerly direction.
 6) You can now draw a north/south line at right angles to the east/west line.

 The following (less accurate) method can also be used at any time of the day without drawing an arc.

 1) Peg the tip of the first shadow, then about 20 minutes later peg the tip of the moved shadow.
 2) Draw a straight line between the two pegs, and this will be an approximately east/west line, with the first peg again being the westerly one.

 A typical error when lost is a tendency to wander off what you may think is a straight line bearing, sometimes even slowly circling back on yourself. To prevent this, note an object (tree, rock, terrain feature) that lies directly ahead of you in the direction you wish to travel, then aim for it. When you reach it, take another bearing on the direction you wish to head, sight another object directly ahead of you and repeat the process. In areas of restricted distance visibility, you may have to repeat this quite often over short 'legs' to ensure that you are remaining on course.

 Keeping a Course by the Clouds.

  What if it's a cloudy day with no sun visible to get a bearing on, or the bush canopy prevents you getting a clear "shot" at the sun? Well, if you're lucky, it may be windy with the clouds moving in a constant direction - note the directional flow of the clouds, and adjust your course relevant to their direction. If the clouds are moving from your front from right to left over your shoulders, keep them there, at the same time, sight an object straight ahead of you and head for it.

  To retrace your steps in the same general direction, just do an about turn, then keep the clouds moving from behind and now left to right over your shoulders, and repeat the process.

 Being aware of your surroundings will often pay off, so try to cultivate that habit.

 George Spearing is author of, "Dances with Marmots - A Pacific Crest Trail Adventure". Visit www.danceswithmarmots.com for more information.


FUN FACT:  The first college established in America was Harvard College in 1636. It was originally called Cambridge College after the town it’s in, Cambridge, Massachusetts, but changed its name in 1638 in tribute to John Harvard who donated books and money to them.

Send your Fun Facts to mail@backwoodsbound.com. For more Fun Facts visit www.backwoodsbound.com/funfacts.html.


FISHIN' TIP:  When topwater fishing popper type lures let it set 10 seconds or so once it is cast then just give it a twitch to entice a strike. Then alter your retrieves. Fast, slow, pausing for a few seconds, just mix it up to see what makes the bass hit.

Send your tips to: mail@backwoodsbound.com and we’ll post them on the site or use them in a future issue of The Bullet.


INTERESTING QUOTE: "Life’s a voyage that’s homeward bound!" – Herman Melville

 If you’ve seen or heard an interesting or humorous quote send it in and we'll post it next month. Send them to: mail@backwoodsbound.com.



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~ 2 lbs. elk burger, deer can be used
~ 1 egg beaten
~ 1/2 cup bread crumbs
~ 1/4 tsp pepper
~ 1 tsp salt
~ 1/4 tsp celery seed
~ 1/4 tsp sage
~ 3 oz. bourbon
~ flour
~ oil
~ 1 large onion chopped
~ 1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced
~ 1 beef bouillon cube
~ 1 cup water
~ 1 cup sour cream
~ cooked egg noodles

* In a large bowl, mix the meat, egg, crumbs, pepper, salt, celery seed, sage and bourbon together. Mix well.

* Form the meat mixture into 1 inch balls.

* Heat about a 1/4 inch of oil in large skillet or Dutch oven.

* Roll the meat balls in flour then add to the oil. Brown well on all sides.

* While meat is cooking, bring the water to a boil and dissolve the bouillon cube in it.

* When the meat balls are browned, add the onion, mushrooms and beef stock.

* Cover and simmer about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally to keep from sticking.

* Stir in the sour cream.

* Serve over cooked noodles and enjoy with a crusty style of bread.

Our thanks go to Rocky B. for sending in this recipe. For more elk recipes to enjoy visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zelk.html.

Remember to send your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com. We'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet.



  I read in the latest Readers Digest about a way to do after your dog, who we’ll call Earl, after it has been blasted by a skunk.

  That powerful defensive fluid the skunks spray has an odor that is impossible to ignore and may even temporarily blind a dog. The stench is really bothersome to us humans so just think how bad it must be for an animal whose sense of smell is forty times greater than ours.

 I’m sure many have heard or even tried the old wash the dog-with-tomato-juice remedy. I’ve never tried that one myself so I’ll have to take somebody who’s done so at their word as to the veracity of such claims. (I’ve been waiting a long time for the opportunity to use that word. Ever since I found out what my sometime hunting and fishing buddy, Milo, meant when he “doubted the veracity” of one of my fishing claims.)

  Well, we no longer have any dogs but do have three cats we rescued from a barn. And there are lots of skunks around, but how does one get a skunk to spray when asked? I couldn’t think of any. So, we decide to just odor-up Mad Max, the hairiest cat. We mixed cigarette ashes, onion juice, some Jade East and Brut colognes left over from 1973 and three drops of Buck Thorn’s Deep in Dixie Never Fail Fish Attractant and Rust Remover.

 That was easy; getting it on Max, not so much.

 Okay, to make this story as short as it should be, the cat-coating didn’t go well at all. Max resisted strenuously. There was a good deal of him displaying the fact that he wasn’t really into these experimental attempt to emulate Mother Nature. And we don’t call Max ‘Razor Boy’ for nothing. One Sunday he shredded a recliner in the time it took me to go to the bathroom at half time. Now, I admit, at my age, bathroom breaks tend to be longer but still it wasn’t more than five minutes at the most.

 After Jen got the bleeding under control and the debris pretty much cleared out, I decided that I was just gonna believe the Readers Digest article had a great deal of veracity.

  Oh yeah, the Readers Digest skunk odor remedy: a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, a ¼ cup of baking soda and a couple of teaspoons of liquid soap. I would use Dawn since it cleans everything I’ve ever used it on. Scrub Earl with liberal application of the mixture then rinse with warm water. If there is a bit of odor still lingering, wash again.

  Uh, just one more thing. I probably should have mentioned this at the beginning, but maybe you shouldn’t let Earl in the house until you get him deodorized. That smell tends to migrate. Why, I remember one time when me and……



Our handcrafted plaques are made from solid oak not plywood or particle board giving your trophy a solid base to anchor to. Each plaque comes stained with a wall hanger installed. Clear-coating is an available option.

We specialize in unique designs! We’ve done everything from arrowheads to walleyes to shields to light bulbs, hanging and stand up designs! Just tell us what you have in mind and we’ll make it happen!

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Don’t settle for an ordinary looking plaque! Go one better and order your AFTER THE SHOT Trophy Plaque today. Prices start at $33.95. Don’t wait, order today!

Visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/ats.html for photos and information on how to order your plaque. Order with our secure on-line ordering system and pay with confidence using Paypal.

"It only takes a little more to go first class."


HUNTIN' TIP: It may not seem like it but now is the time to get your fall food plots organized. Get your soil test done now so you have time to get the PH balance corrected before applying seed and fertilizer.

Send your tips to: mail@backwoodsbound.com and we’ll post them on the site or use them in a future issue of The Bullet.



  We still need new recipes for upcoming issues. Also needing trail camera pictures, tips, fun facts and stories so send yours in! Send everything to mail@backwoodsbound.com and thanks!

 The summer lull is in full swing giving us time to clean and organize the shop. Orders do continue to trickle in for our After The Shot Trophy Plaques with Missouri and Iowa having recently been shipped. Now is a great time to get those antlers off the work bench and onto the wall! Go to www.backwoodsbound.com/ats.html for all the information on our line of After The Shot Trophy Plaques. And remember we love to do custom designs!

  Planning your late summer or early fall fishing adventure? Visit our Fishin’ Guides and Charter Services page at www.backwoodsbound.com/guidesfish.html for help. You may not find exactly what you’re looking for but it’s a good place to start. And if you find a bad link or two please let us know so we remove them from the page.



  What better meal to have at camp but chili! An easy to make, hearty tasting, and delicious pot meal of chili made from Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix hits the spot after a day of hiking, swimming or hanging out with family. Its unique blend of herbs and spices makes a great pot of chili everyone loves without the aid of added fillers or MSG!

Try it for all of your cooking needs! Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix makes all sorts of great meals you’ll love like jambalaya, enchiladas, stuffed manicotti and lasagna. Also try it as a dry rub or marinade on your beef and deer roasts or steaks.

  Enjoy at home or hunting camp in single pot packets or the triple value pack.

  Order your supply at www.backwoodsbound.com/chili.html.

  "Not too mild.... Not too hot.... Treat yourself and make a pot!"



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Fishing season is fast approaching so place your ad now!



  Tim Kish sent in this picture of a black bear on his property in central Missouri.

Black Bear

Send your trail camera or outdoor pictures to mail@backwoodsbound.com.



  It’s mid-July and I don’t know about you but I am filled with anticipation. The long wait is over and once again it is time to prepare for the hunt! Squirrel season opens August 1st here in Illinois and this is a great time to get back into the woods and sharpen your hunting skills. I love pulling off a successful silent stalk on these sharp-eyed critters; it seems to awaken all of my senses. The sounds of the forest, the feel of the forest floor under my feet, being careful not to step on dead branches, etc. Skills that have not been used for months will once again come alive. Squirrel hunting is also an excellent opportunity to look for that perfect tree for a deer stand, a quest that for deer hunters is not unlike the search for the Holy Grail.

  September will be the opening of dove season and hunting these little feathered jet fighters is always fun. I don’t know who smiles more, me or the shotgun shell manufacturers because, as you know, to actually get a limit of doves may require three or four boxes of shells.

  October will bring bow season for the elusive whitetail deer. I hope all of you have been practicing with your bow this summer.

  November will have shotgun deer hunting, duck hunting, rabbits and quails. So as you can see, now is the time to prepare. Get your bow out and practice, make sure your shotguns are ready, sharpen your knives and make sure you have room in your freezer because starting in August that wonderful magical time is upon us and it is time to hunt.

  I’m Kenny and I hope I have all of you in my corner.



~ 5 or 6 medium potatoes, peeled, boiled and diced
~ 1 can cream of chicken soup
~ 8 oz. sour cream
~ 1/2 cup chopped onion
~ 1/2 stick butter
~ 1 cup grated cheddar cheese

* Mix soup and sour cream with chopped onion.

* Pour over the potatoes and mix well.

* Pour into a greased casserole dish. Cover with cheese and cut butter into pieces on top of cheese.

* Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes or until the cheese is melted and brown a little.

* Serve and Enjoy!

Many thanks to April Barkulis for sharing another great recipe with us. For more side dish recipes to try, visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zside.html.

Send your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com and we'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet


ANSWER TO BACKWOODS TRIVIA: Patrick Henry said those words in a speech on March 23, 1775 to the House of Burgesses urging the legislature to take military action against the encroaching British military force. The House was undecided about committing troops, but was leaning toward not sending them. Patrick Henry ended his speech with his most famous words:

  “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

 The crowd responded by jumping up and shouting "To Arms! To Arms!".


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