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Backwoods Bound Bullet Volume 21 - Issue 6

  Welcome to the June 2020 issue of The Bullet. Well here we are another month into the Corvid pandemic and things have improved a little. Businesses are reopening with strict guidelines we must follow, which is just fine with me! It bothers me not to wear a mask in public places. I don’t want to get sick now. It’s summer time and I have way too much to do to be laid up for weeks perhaps months! Also, I don’t know for certain what I’ve been exposed to and that I’m not carrying it while showing no symptoms. It would depress me to no end if I gave the virus to someone who ended up getting sick or worse yet dying. Remember that just because the cases are going down in places doesn’t mean the virus isn’t still out there because it is! Don’t let your guard down now. As I tell the boys as we head out our deer stands, stay frosty

Okay. Enough said. Let’s get to it. Enjoy this issue of The Bullet. Until next month, J. E. Burns, Editor-in-chief.


In this issue:

~ Backwoods Trivia
~ Recipe: Fish Tacos
~ Article: Deer Hunting 2019
~ Recipe: BBQ Venison Backstrap
~ Article: Don't Be A Carrier
~ What's New
~ Candid CamShots
~ Article: Fawning Season Is Underway
~ Recipe: Buck Thorn's Game Bird & Biscuit Casserole


BACKWOODS TRIVIA:Here is this month’s question from George Stadtler. Do you know the answer?

U.S. paper currency used to come in different sizes, many larger than the size used today. In what year did U.S. paper currency all become the same size?

Find the answer at the end of this newsletter. Send your trivia questions to mail@backwoodsbound.com.



~ 2 lbs bluegill fillets, crappie can be used too
~ 2 eggs, beaten
~ 40 – 50 saltine crackers, crushed
~ your favorite seasonings, seasoning salt, pepper, etc.
~ oil
~ 1/4 cup sour cream
~ 1/4 cup mayo
~ 2 tbsp fresh chopped chives
~ 2 tbsp milk
~ hot sauce, optional
~ flour tortillas
~ your favorite taco toppings, shredded lettuce, cheese, diced tomatoes, onions, etc.
~ salsa or hot sauce

* Season the cracker crumbs to taste with your favorite seasonings

* Heat about 1/4 inch of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.

* Dip the fillets in the beaten eggs, shake off excess then roll in the cracker crumbs and add to oil.

* Cook until golden brown then flip only once. Cook in batches.

* Remove and drain on paper towels.

* While fish is cooking, mix the sour cream, mayo, chives and milk together in a bowl. Add hot sauce to taste if you want.

* Warm the tortillas. Keep covered.

* Serve with your favorite taco toppings and enjoy.

Many thanks to Maggie Burns for sharing this recipe with us. For more fish recipes to try, visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zfish.html and click on the category you need.

Send in your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com and we'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet.



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You can find us at www.facebook.com/LunarCreations636 or on Instagram @LunarCreations636.


ARTICLE: DEER HUNTING 2019 by Jerry Ison

  Last Deer season across America saw ten million plus hunters in pursuit of deer. Depending on which set of statistics you choose, they all tell pretty much the same story. Last year those ten million hunters spent about six billion dollars in licenses, fees, deer stamps, fuel, lodging, equipment, food, travel and other miscellaneous items related to deer hunting. That figure doesn’t include taxidermy or even James’ trophy plaques.

  Those hunters were successful to the tune of six million deer were taken by all means, i.e. rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, archery. That’s a 60% success rate. The arithmetic is easy; six billion divided by six million equals 600.

  So by spreading the total expenditures over the entire ten million hunters, the cost of taking a deer legally is about $600.00. That does not include the after hunt celebrations nor getting the meat processed.

 The end result is that deer hunting in America is big business and a huge benefit to those non hunters some of whom take great exception to hunting. They enjoy many activities that would not exist if hunters and fishermen didn’t spend large amounts of money on may items that require not only local taxes and fees, but even greater tax rates from the federal government.

  The people walking those trails through national and state forests, camping in those forests, bird watching on state and federally protected areas, national parks and waterway would have to visit a zoo, a private botanical garden, private river and lake shores in order to enjoy any of those activities.

 Ten million deer sound like a lot of wildlife leading to the question, “Is the overall deer herd still at sustainable numbers? The answer is simple, yes!

  Not only are the herds sustainable, but are expanding at an accelerated rate across the USA. Look at Ohio, a prime example of this rapid increase in deer numbers.

 By 1900, deer had for all intents and purposes been eliminated along with the larger predators, wolves, bears and mountain lions.

 That loss of predation as a deer population control, the enacting of reasonable game laws, forests being converted into agriculture creating more edge areas ideal for deer browsing and grazing along with the animal’s adaptability to changes food sources, has fueled the increase in deer density. The herds’ growth rate and thus deer density has increased drastically. There are believed to be in excess of 700,000 deer in Ohio today.

 In fact the density in some areas is actually too high causing many problems. Now, even in many urban areas, the herds are so big that steps are being taken to lower those numbers.

 In Cleveland, Ohio for instance, those the herds disrupting the city parks are culled by teams of Ohio Wildlife officers using firearms and archery.

  The deer thus harvested are dressed and delivered to the local food banks to help feed the needy. As of this year, more than 320,000 pounds of deer meat have been donated to feed the hungry. This is certainly one program where everybody wins.

 Even the hunter haters out enjoying the trails and wildlife sanctuaries made possible by those very people they denigrate.

 One more fact or two. Just think about the fact that there were more than ten million armed and competent shooters loose in the woods and fields all over the country. That should give those gun control people the fright of their lives. Well, that is if they really believe gun owners are a bunch of depraved blood-thirsty rednecks.

 The fact of the matter is in 2019 the number of hunting accidents was one of if not the lowest per 1,000 ever and that rate has been continually dropping. By far the predominate cause of hunting accidents is not what the media would have you believe,” Bubba shot Earl”, but falls from stands and other self-inflicted injuries.


FUN FACT:  The Washington Monument contains no mortar or support structure. The stones are held together only by gravity making it the tallest unreinforced stone masonry structure in the world!

Send your Fun Facts to mail@backwoodsbound.com. For more Fun Facts visit www.backwoodsbound.com/funfacts.html.


FISHIN' TIP:  To help keep bluegill populations in check in a good fertile bluegill pond, you should remove about 50 pounds of fish per acre each year as these ponds can produce up to 200 pounds of fish per acre. This means that most ponds could stand more fishing pressure than they get.

Send your tips to: mail@backwoodsbound.com and we’ll post them on the site or use them in a future issue of The Bullet.


INTERESTING QUOTE: "Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, ‘Why me?’ And the voice says, ‘Nothing personal, your name just happened to come up.’” – Charlie Brown

 If you’ve seen or heard an interesting or humorous quote send it in and we'll post it next month. Send them to: mail@backwoodsbound.com.



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~ 1 whole side venison backstrap
~ 1/4 cup brown sugar
~ 1/4 cup seasoning salt
~ 2 tbsp chili powder
~ 2 tbsp garlic powder
~ 2 tbsp onion powder
~ 2 tbsp cayenne pepper, optional
~ 5 cups vinegar
~ 5 cups water
~ 8 cups hickory wood chips

* Remove as much fat and membrane from meat.

* Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Rub liberally all over the meat.

* Place in a bowl and cover. Place in refrigerator until ready to use.

* In a large bowl, mix the vinegar and water together. Add 8 cups hickory chips.

* Prepare charcoal as normal. When ashed over, separate to form a ring around the outside of the grill.

* Place a disposable pie tin in the middle of charcoal. Fill with water.

* Take half the chips out of the water and squeeze to remove excess water. Place around on top of charcoal.

* Place the meat on grill over pie tin. Cut into two pieces if necessary.

* Close grill lid. Open top vent and try to keep temperature inside between 160 - 200 degrees.

* Cook until the meat reaches 190 degrees internally. Add more lit charcoal and chips as needed.

* Resist the urge to peek to often. It only adds to the cooking time.

* Serve with potato salad, coleslaw slaw and ice cold beer

* Enjoy.

* "This is real bbq which needs no store bought sauce. If you want to use sauce, heat it in a pan and brush it on after the meat is done." - Bryan

Our thanks go to Bryan Deke for sending in this recipe. For more deer recipes to enjoy visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zdeer.html.

Remember to send your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com. We'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet.



  What is a zebra mussel? For those non-boat owners who don’t know, everyone who owns a boat should know that zebra mussels are a small mollusk that grows up to 1½ inches with a distinctive zebra striped shell. They are destructive causing enormous damage to native aquatic life, boats, piers and anything in the water. They have caused millions of dollars in damage to water inlet pipes. One zebra mussel can produce up to one million larvae that can’t be seen with the naked eye and they hitch rides from lake to lake on boats, trailers and any gear used in the infected water.

  Even though every state issues warning after warning about the dangers of spreading this small sized mollusk they continue to spread. Each year you hear about more lakes and rivers being infected. States like Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma and Indiana, just to name a few, keep adding to their list the number of places the zebra mussel has found a home.

  This isn’t a new problem. The warnings have been broadcast for decades since they first showed up in the Great Lakes after being dumped out of ballast tanks on ocean going ships.

  Why won’t people take this issue more seriously and help stop the spread? Who knows? Maybe it’s the “that won’t happen to me, that’s the other guy’s problem” attitude.

  The only way zebra mussels can get from one lake to another that are not connected naturally by a stream or river is to hitchhike on boats, trailers, bait buckets and any piece of equipment placed in the water.

  What can you do to stop the spread? You just need to remember three words, “Clean, Drain, Dry”.

 CLEAN. Clean off any vegetation, mud or foreign objects on your boat, trailer and gear before you leave the lake or river.

  DRAIN. Drain all water from the boat, including the motor, bilge, livewells and bait buckets before leaving lake or river. Leave your drain plug open during transport.

 DRY. Dry the boat, trailer and/or gear for a week or more before entering another body of water. If you are unable to let your stuff dry for at least a week, wash everything with high-pressure, hot (at least 140 degree), soapy water. Most car washes fit this description.

 A word of warning. It is already illegal to possess, transport or knowingly spread zebra mussels in all states but many have passed laws making it a crime to unknowingly spread them. Fines can range from $500 for first time offenders up to $2000 and jail time for repeat offenders.

 So save yourself some financial hardship as well your favorite lake or river and do your part in stopping the spread of zebra mussels. It only takes a small amount of time to do your part. Don’t be a carrier!



Our handcrafted plaques are made from solid oak not plywood or particle board giving your trophy a solid base to anchor to. Each plaque comes stained with a wall hanger installed. Clear-coating is an available option.

We specialize in unique designs! We’ve done everything from arrowheads to walleyes to shields to light bulbs, hanging and stand up designs! Just tell us what you have in mind and we’ll make it happen!

No matter what type of trophy you want to display, we have a plaque or trophy to fill the need. Contact us at sales@backwoodsbound.com with your ideas.

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Visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/ats.html for photos and information on how to order your plaque. Order with our secure on-line ordering system and pay with confidence using Paypal.

"It only takes a little more to go first class."


HUNTIN' TIP: “Need to stay in shape for bow season? Try bow-fishing. Most states allow for the taking of “no-game” species of fish with a bow. It’s fun and challenging and helps keep you tuned up for the fall season.” – Ken Macklin

Send your tips to: mail@backwoodsbound.com and we’ll post them on the site or use them in a future issue of The Bullet.



  Orders continue to come in for our After The Shot Trophy Plaques. States like Illinois, Montana and Maryland have gone out lately with a shoulder mount Alaska plaque on the schedule. Now is a great time to get those antlers off the work bench and onto the wall! Go to www.backwoodsbound.com/ats.html for all the information on our line of After The Shot Trophy Plaques. And remember we love to do custom designs!

  Still stuck at home? Why not look through your files and send us a recipe or two? How about some pictures from your trail cameras? We need those things as well as your stories, tips, trivia questions, fun facts, etc. Send everything to mail@backwoodsbound.com and thanks!

  Planning your late summer or early fall fishing adventure? Visit our Fishin’ Guides and Charter Services page at www.backwoodsbound.com/guidesfish.html for help. You may not find exactly what you’re looking for but it’s a good place to start. And if you find a bad link or two please let us know so we remove them from the page.



  What better comfort food is there but chili! A hearty, delicious pot of chili made from Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix will chase away those home-bound blues! Its unique blend of herbs and spices makes a great pot of chili everyone loves without the aid of added fillers or MSG!

Try it for all of your cooking needs! Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix makes all sorts of great meals you’ll love like jambalaya, enchiladas, stuffed manicotti and lasagna. Also try it as a dry rub or marinade on your beef and deer roasts or steaks.

  Enjoy at home or hunting camp in single pot packets or the triple value pack.

  Order your supply at www.backwoodsbound.com/chili.html.

  "Not too mild.... Not too hot.... Treat yourself and make a pot!"



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Fishing season is fast approaching so place your ad now!



  Andy Kish sent in this picture of a coyote his camera caught last November a week before shotgun season in southern Illinois.


Send your trail camera or outdoor pictures to mail@backwoodsbound.com.



  Fawning season is here which means car deer collisions will likely tick up and calls to conservation groups about abandoned fawns will begin.

  Iowa’s peak fawning season stretches from middle May to middle June, followed by a second and much smaller peak fawning season in July. Fawning season is preceded by yearling bucks being disbursed by the does as she prepares to deliver this year’s fawns.

  These newly on their own yearlings go through a learning curve without adults around, which leads to deer being more visible during the day and more young deer involved in vehicle collisions. Drivers are encouraged to use November rut defensive driving techniques like reducing their speed and avoiding distractions and scanning road ditches during this time.

 After pushing out the yearlings, the does will also be on the move looking for a spot where she feels safe and isolated to give birth. With some urban greenbelt areas experiencing high water, that means the fawns could show up in flower beds, un-mowed yard or field corners or fencerows.

 “We see an increase in phone calls this time of year about fawns the caller found “abandoned” in their yard. The reality is that the fawn has been put there by the doe because she determined it to be a safe place and will return frequently to nurse it,” said Jim Coffey, forest wildlife research biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). “Laying motionless is a survival technique. Fawns are relatively inactive for the first week or so until its legs are ready for it to follow the doe on its own.”

  The white spots on a fawns coat is nature's camouflage designed to simulate sunlight penetrating the trees on the forest floor, and will disappear over time, being replaced by brown fur as it grows.

  “Our best advice is, don’t disturb it, don’t touch it, and don’t pick it up. The doe is caring for it, in fact she’s probably watching you but you can’t see her,” Coffey said.

  As part of the Iowa DNR’s chronic wasting disease management plan, fawns will not be rehabilitated to avoid spreading the always fatal disease.

  For info on all the great fishing, hunting and outdoor adventures in Iowa, visit their web site at www.iowadnr.com.

  Editor’s note: The above article may have come from the Iowa DNR but the information it contained can be used everywhere deer are found. Also keep an eye out for other wildlife as youngsters are all over this time of year.



~ 8 slices bacon, fried crispy and crumbled
~ 2 1/2 cups cooked fowl. Any wild game bird can be used especially pheasant, grouse, ptarmigan and turkey. (Psst! If all the elements worked against you this past hunting season, domestic turkey or chicken will work. Use only the dark meat and let everyone assume it’s whatever. We’ll never tell)
~ 1- 10 oz. pkg. frozen mixed vegetables
~ 1 1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese, divided.
~ 3/4 cup whole milk
~ 1 can cream of mushroom soup
~ 1 1/2 cups biscuit mix
~ 2/3 cup whole milk

* In a greased 8" X 12" baking pan combine the bacon, meat, frozen vegetables, and 1 cup of cheese.

* In a bowl, combine the soup and 3/4 cup milk together. Pour over casserole.

* Bake covered at 400 degrees oven for 15 minutes.

* Mix the biscuit mix and 2/3 cup milk together in a bowl. Mix thoroughly.

* Drop by spoonful’s to form 6 biscuits around the edge of the casserole.

* Bake, uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes, or until biscuits are golden brown.

* Top with remaining cheese and bake another 2 to 3 minutes, until cheese begins to bubble.

Many thanks to Buck Thorn for sharing another great recipe with us. For more wild fowl recipes to try, visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/recipe.html and click on the category you need.

Send your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com and we'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet


ANSWER TO BACKWOODS TRIVIA: In 1929 all U.S. paper currency became the same size. They also for the first time had portraits of notable Americans on the face and different buildings in Washington D.C. on the back.


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