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Backwoods Bound Bullet Vol. 3 - Issue 2

Greetings from the team at BACKWOODS BOUND & welcome to February's issue of the "Backwoods Bound Bullet".

Highlights this issue include:

~ Backwoods Boredom Busters - "Easy Bunny Pins"
~ Article: "Surf's Up"Backwoods Health: "Cellulitis"
~ Recipe: "Catfish Gumbo"
~ Article: "The Hunt"
~ Kenny's Corner: ""

We suggest you review this issue and check out the links, then print it to read the lengthy articles at your leisure. Pass the copy on to a friend when you're through or leave it in the employee lunchroom. The more Backwoods Buddies we have contributing their stories & ideas, the more exciting this site becomes!

NEWSFLASH: Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix, it's not just for chili anymore!!!

The perfect blend of spices in Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix produces a consistently great pot of red chili every time! Thanks to you we've discovered it makes great pasta salad, soup, cheese balls, chicken fajitas, and more. The following one-pot chicken chili recipe makes the best white chili we've ever had here in the Backwoods. We decided to make it the first new recipe we'd pass on to you.

Backwoods Bound Chicken Chili:
~ 1 package Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix
~ 2 lbs cooked or raw chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces
~ 2 - 15 ounce cans of Northern Beans, or your favorite white bean
~ 2 cups of chicken broth; home-made, canned, or prepared from boullion cubes
~ 1 & 1/2 cups water

Combine the seasoning mix, chicken, broth, and water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add beans. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 additional minutes.

There you have it...perfectly seasoned white chili that tastes like you slaved all day! Serve it with a bottle of hot sauce and our hearty chili satisfies both the mild & hot white chili lovers

BACKWOODS BOREDOM BUSTERS: Each month Susie shares one of her favorite activities. All are kid-tested and Susie-approved! This month's activity:


Easter is just around the corner so here is an idea for an easy Holiday pin you can help your kids make. (By the way they make great refridgerator magnets too!)
You will need the following items to make loads of bunny friends:

A sheet of pink craft foam
A sheet of white craft foam
Wiggle eyes, or small black pompoms
Small pink pompoms
White crafters glue
Crafters lapel pins, or some craft magnets

Fashion a template from cardboard in the shape of a heart, this heart can be as large or as small as you want the bunny’s head to be. Trace onto the pink foam and cut this out.

The bunny’s ears are made from the white foam. Cut 2 smaller ears from the pink foam in the same shape to fit inside the white ears. Glue the pink ears to the white ones.

Placing the heart top facing down, the top of the heart becomes the bunny’s cheeks, glue the ears to the back of the heart by the pointed end.

Now, turn the bunny face up and center a pink pompom where the 2 curves of his cheeks meet. Glue it in place there.

Position the eyes and glue them into place. When the bunny is dry glue the pin or magnet onto the back. There you have it, cute, quick and just in time for the Easter season!



Sitting here pent up in the house with the winter-time blues I can’t help but think about where we can go when the weather starts to warm up. Using my trusty computor I simply put in a few key words and voila! Places to go, do and see all at the click of my mouse.

I used to feel a little intimidated by my PC, not anymore, for example I went to Google ( a search engine) and typed in the following keywords, "family" "vacations" "getaways" "activities" "fishing" "boating" "camping". They gave me a vast variety of places to look for things my family might do this year. Here were a few of the places I found:

Another great site to surf is FamilyFun.com. They are the internet version of the popular family magazine, offering places to go, activities for kids, and a vast wealth of other useful information.

Many Government Agencies have sites that offer information on campgrounds, parks and activites in all the States.

You can also get the kids involved surfing around looking at possible family activites….come on in….the water’s JUST RIGHT!! Happy Surfing!!


Don't forget to visit our "Crazy Captions" feature and send us YOUR "Crazy Caption"! Laughter is the best medicine! http://www.backwoodsbound.com/funphotos.html


HUNTIN' TIP:  Experiment with different brands of ammo and different loads to find the one that shoots and patterns the best from your gun. Every gun shoots different so take some time to find the best ammo for your gun. Looking for more great hunting tips?
Visit our site - http://www.backwoodsbound/tipshunting.html


FUN FACT:  Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday but is now regarded as the season leading to Ash Wednesday. Traditionally the time for Christians to fatten up before Lent, it was brought to this part of the world by French explorers in 1699. See more fun facts at http://www.backwoodsbound.com/funfacts.html



~ 2 lbs. catfish fillets, cut into bite-size pieces
~ 1 cup each of celery, onion, bell pepper - chopped
~ 2 garlic cloves, minced
~ 3 Tbsps vegetable oil
~ 4 cups beef stock or canned broth
~ 1 - 16 ounce can whole tomatoes, cut up
~ 1 bay leaf
~ 1 tsp salt
~ 1/2 tsp dried thyme
~ 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
~ 1/2 tsp dried oregano, crumbled
~ 1 - 10 ounce package frozen cut okra
~ 4 cups cooked rice

Heat oil in a Dutch oven or large pot over medium heat. Add celery, onion, bell pepper and garlic. Saute until tender.

Stir in beef broth, tomatoes, bay leaf, salt, thyme, cayenne pepper and oregano. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

Add catfish and okra. Return to a boil. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Remove and discard bay leaf.

Divide rice among serving bowls and spoon gumbo over top. Enjoy!

---For more wild game recipes visit http://www.backwoodsbound.com/recipe.html



It was a cool 30 degrees on the morning of the second weekend of rifle season in Jefferson County, Missouri. I sat on my treestand in the early morning, alert for any sound or movement that may lead to deer sausage and venison for the table. There was another thing I thought about, and that was last year's hunt in the same area.

I had been walking the mountain, wearing buck-attracting scent...you know, the kind that drives male deer crazy--I think it's called scent of oestrus or something like that.

parfum de la femme.

I had sat down to rest, leaning against a tree. It wasn't quite dawn yet and wasn't legal for me to shoot. I was looking downhill, into the wind, when I heard crashing through the brush. I barely dove out of the way to avoid being run over by this magnificent whitetail buck. I got behind the tree and he came at me again, head lowered and antlers aglow in the light of the full moon. For the next 30 minutes I perched in the tree (yes, I had climbed to safety) and listened to him tearing up the brush. He was in a rage of rut and confusion. I certainly had no intention of being on the ground with him! That scent really works.

The time seemed to pass slowly after that, until he reappeared from among some cedar trees. He disappeared again below the ridge.

This year I positioned my treestand just below the same knoll, hoping that I would get him this year. The trees he picked for his rub were as big as soda cans, so I knew he was here.

The hunting was slow but kept alive by daydreaming. I climbed out of the stand and began walking slowly up the hill to the area by the cedars that I had seen him last the year before. As I stalked around the cedars, I was startled by a doe 30 yards from me--I dropped down on one knee and then the big buck came into view. They stared at me but I remained still and the wind was with me. Finally, after a long time, I got him in my 3x9x40 scope on my .30-06. I could only see part of him, the shoulder, but it offered me the best opportunity for a lethal shot and I took it. He dropped immediately.

I calmly approached the beautiful animal and saw that he had 18 scoreable points and although the scoring is not yet completed, that's not really what counts. It's the place in the heart of this hunter, always reminded of a splendid hunt over the years, and the stories I can tell my grandkids about the buck's mount on my wall, rather than being mounted by a buck in rut. :)

Told to Jim Pankey by Mitch. Picture will be included on the website when available.

*Please remember buck-attracting scent should be used in the environment, not worn by a hunter.

Attention Deer Hunters:

Want to make your antlers look even more impressive? Mount them on a hand-crafted, State-Shaped Antler Plaque! These unique, hardwood plaques show your hunting pride!

Order on-line with our secure server or through the mail. Display this year's antlers in STYLE! Visit http://www.backwoodsbound.com/antlrplaq01.html


FISHIN' TIP: When bass fishing in stained water, fish shallow and tight to cover. Stained water makes bass stay close to cover. Visit http://www.backwoodsbound.com/tipsfishing.html
for more fishin' tips.
KENNY'S CORNER:  An editorial view of the Backwoods Bound experience!


Well, folks it's February here in Illinois and what can I say. I hate February! Hunting season is over, fishing season is two months away, I mean the real fishing season which begins in April. Not the fake fishing season of February and March where you fool yourself into freezing for four hours in a boat and don’t catch squat. Football is over, which leaves us with Hockey and Basketball, two sports I could do without. I mean when you think about it you might as well not watch basketball until the last five minutes of the game because in the end the score is always 100 to 98 and until then it’s just a bunch of tall guys running up and down a court. Hockey? How long is a hockey season anyway, eternity? It seems to me that you have all of these hockey teams playing for half the year to reach first place in their division and then, guess what! First place really doesn’t mean anything because they all go to the playoffs and play another half a year.

I guess I can sit back and reflect upon the successful hunts that I had this year. But let's face it, I’m not Bill Jordan or some other hunting industry giant who gets to go hunting for six months out of the year. I can reflect on all my hunting for a day or two and that’s about it.

If I were President I would eliminate the month of February all together. You could take the days of February and incorporate them into the other eleven months. This could also help to make every month the same number of days. Some months have 30 days; some months have 31 days. I mean come on, who thought this stuff up. It’s all man-made. The planet doesn’t care how many days are in a month or how many months are in a year. I say we make a year 363 days with 11 months of 33 days each and just eliminate the dreaded month of February.

I could go ice skating with the family. But then again if I really wanted to break my ankles I could jump out of my tree stand in November.

There’s always bird watching, the only problem with that is all the cool looking birds are smart enough to head to Florida in the winter with the exception of the Bald Eagle, and once you’ve seen an eagle the thrill is pretty much over. Besides the bird watching I like best is when I am looking at ducks or doves down the barrel of my shotgun.

People, as you can see February just isn’t my month. March will be here soon and my thoughts will turn to April crappie fishing and turkey hunting. This will once again give me a reason to live. I hope I have not sounded too negative, but for me, February is a time to be singing the blues.

I’m Kenny; and for February I’m just crying in my corner.


**To all our Backwoods Bound Buddies: We sincerely appreciate all your support! We hope you'll continue to help by forwarding this newsletter to all the people in your address book. Give them the opportunity to participate in our site! In addition, if you know of someone that shares our interests, why not ask if you can sign them up for our newsletter? With a web site like this, the more the merrier!


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