Here are some fascinating facts about the final frontier, our universe!
The average life span of a yellow star, like our Sun, is about 10 billion years. The Sun will eventually burn out in about 5 to 6 billion years.
The Andromeda Galaxy is our closest neighboring galaxy at 2.2 million light years away. It is so bright you can see it with your own eyes on a clear evening sky, away from city lights.
The average temperature on Pluto is -390 degrees Fahrenheit.
The planets Mercury and Venus are the only planets in our solar system that don't have moons.
If the planet Jupiter was hollow, you could fit about 1,400 Earth sized planets inside of it with a little room to spare.
The planet Venus spins the opposite way than the other planets.
The brightest star in the sky is Sirius. Also known as the dog star, it is 51 trillion miles from Earth or about 8.7 light years.
To reach outer space, you need to travel at least 50 miles from the Earth's surface.
The planet Mars was named after the Roman god of war. The month of March is also named for him.
For centuries people thought the appearance of a comet was a evil sign that could fortell the coming of plagues, wars and death.
The largest asteroid on record is Ceres. It is so big it would stretch from Washington D.C. to Louisville, Kentucky. A distance of over 600 miles!
The planet Jupiter has no solid surface, only layers of gaseoes clouds. It is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.
The average size of a meteor is no bigger than a grain of sand!
The Earth spins faster on its axis in September than it does in March!
On March 29,1974 Mariner 10 was the first spacecraft to fly by the planet Mercury. It sent back close-up pictures of a world that resembles our Moon.
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