Backwoods Bound Bullet Volume 21 - Issue 9
Welcome to the September 2020 issue of The Bullet. Let the hunting begin! September is a great month for hunters everywhere. Dove season is under way. Squirrel season is in full swing. And if that wasn’t enough, the early goose and teal seasons take place this month. Plus, who can forget that the archery deer season starts in less than thirty days (if you’re not lucky enough to live in state where it starts earlier). And even rabbit hunting begins in some states. So, yes, by all means let the hunt begin!
September is also a great time to be fishing or camping or hiking or… well anything outdoors. Just remember to stay distanced from others, wash your hands often and wear a mask for crying out loud. We gotta nip this thing in the bud. Remember, “Wear because you care!”
Okay. Enough said. Let’s get to it. Enjoy this month’s issue of The Bullet and stay safe. This will pass. Until next month, J. E. Burns, Editor-in-chief.
In this issue:
~ Backwoods Trivia ~ Recipe: Easy Flaming Dove Bacon Grillers ~ Article: Use Caution During Storm Clean-up ~ Recipe: Backwoods Squirrel Bake ~ Article: You Plotting On Me? - Part 1 ~ What's New ~ Press Release New Firearms Guide 11th Edition Published On Flash Drive ~ Candid CamShots ~ Recipe: Crispy Fried Bluegills
BACKWOODS TRIVIA: This month’s question was sent in by Harold Sharp. Do you know the answer?
In 1842 Sir Richard Owen came up with the word “dinosaur” as a name for all of the fossilized reptile bones being discovered at the time. What does the word “dinosaur” mean?
Find the answer at the end of this newsletter. Send your trivia questions to mail@backwoodsbound.com.
~ lots of dove breasts, deboned ~ 1 lb bacon, slices cut in half ~ 1 jar pickled jalapeno peppers ~ 1 cup soy sauce ~ heavy duty foil
* Drain the peppers and save 1 cup of the juice. Set peppers aside.
* Add the pepper juice to the soy sauce. Mix well.
* Place the breasts in a bowl with a lid or a large zip lock bag. Pour on the sauce mixture.
* Cover/seal and refrigerate at least 3 hours.
* Remove the breasts, drain and place on a large sheet of foil.
* Layer on the bacon and peppers.
* Wrap up and seal to make a packet.
* Grill over medium heat for 25 - 30 minutes. Turn a couple of times during cooking.
* Remove from the grill and let set a few minutes.
* Cut open the foil and enjoy.
Our many thanks to Craig Harris for sending in this recipe. Visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zdove.html for more dove recipes to try this fall.
Send in your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com and we'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet.
Lunar Creations specializes in hand crafted items including clothing and accessories, home decor, drink tumblers in various sizes and styles, and lots of other unique gifts! Visit our site to see our complete product line.
You can find us at www.facebook.com/LunarCreations636 or on Instagram @LunarCreations636.
  With the recent storms rolling through Iowa and the hurricanes hitting the Gulf coast last week I was reminded of the dangers one may encounter while cleaning up debris.
  What brought this to mind was a news release sent out by the Iowa DNR reminding folks of the dangers of asbestos.
  I know first-hand what asbestos can do to a person. My dad died of mesothelioma, the cancer caused by asbestos. There’s no way of telling exactly what product he was exposed to that caused his cancer as he had many jobs in his life-time. He worked in a scrap yard as a young man cutting up old steam locomotives in the fifties. Ran a gas station in the early sixties. He worked for a chemical company before becoming a machinist for a railroad car repair company. Not to mention all of his side-hustles he did over the years to make ends meet. He encountered a variety of environments in his lifetime.
 I wonder sometimes if he brought asbestos fibers into the house when I was little and since it can take years for symptoms to appear, could I have been exposed? Time will tell I guess.
 So here are a few guidelines to follow during storm clean-up:
 * If there’s any doubt about the nature of the stuff needing cleaned up, contact the professionals for advice. It’s better to get the lowdown from someone who knows what they’re looking at than risk exposure.
 * Only disturb construction materials that must be removed, and minimize any excess breakage, to prevent the release of dust and fibers into the air.
 * Spray water on any materials suspected to contain asbestos to minimize dust. Also make sure there are no electrical hazards before wetting!
 * Do not burn suspect asbestos-containing building products. Remember that asbestos does not burn and the fibers can be released into the air as a result of burning things that contain it.
  * Contact the local landfill or transfer station to determine proper disposal requirements and follow those guidelines.
 * All states require advance notice before clean-up work begins on any public/commercial buildings as federal rules must be followed in removal and disposal.
  Asbestos has been used in a large number of building materials such as floor tile, linoleum, pipe and boiler insulation, heat duct wrap and joint tape, cementitious transite or slate siding and roofing, asphalt-based roofing and asphalt shingles, ceiling tiles, joint compound, sprayed-on acoustical, decorative texturing and other materials. Asbestos continues to be used in new construction and can be present in any building or home.
 It can also be found in brake pad dust, roof coatings, and certain caulks and sealers especially older products.
 The state of Iowa has an asbestos information sheet and other disposal guidance on their DNR’s website at www.iowadnr.gov/disaster .
  Thanks to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the information in this article. You can find out more about the great outdoor adventures in Iowa on-line at www.iowadnr.gov.
FUN FACT:  In the 1780’s a group of citizens broke away from the state of North Carolina and formed the state of Franklin. The proposed state was denied admission to the United States in 1784. It was the first (and only) state denied admission to the Union.
Send your Fun Facts to mail@backwoodsbound.com. For more Fun Facts visit www.backwoodsbound.com/funfacts.html.
FISHIN' TIP: It’s a good idea to try and keep a little slack in your line when fishing top water lures except buzz baits. Having a bit of slack slows down your reaction time keeping you from jerking the lure away from the fish before they get a bite on it. A little slack also makes most top water lures work a bit better. Send your tips to: mail@backwoodsbound.com and we’ll post them on the site or use them in a future issue of The Bullet.
INTERESTING QUOTE: "I’m compulsive, but I’m also very indecisive. I don’t know what I want, but I know that I want it now." – Dylan Moran
 If you’ve seen or heard an interesting or humorous quote send it in and we'll post it next month. Send them to: mail@backwoodsbound.com.
We are having two sales this month. In honor of Labor Day, take 40% OFF ALL career themed items September 1st – 15th! Then take 40% Off ALL Halloween themed items September 16th – 30th!
PLUS as the pandemic goes on we’re still offering 33% OFF everything else we make!
With these kinds of savings, how can you not stock up for upcoming birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and don’t forget that Christmas is only 3 months away!
Go to our web site at www.karensglabels.com to see all of our great products! And remember we can make items from your special photographs for a small upcharge.
Visit us at www.karensglabels.com or e-mail us at Karen@karensglabels.com or call 618-257-1365. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get news about our monthly specials and new items!
"Because no wine glass should ever be naked!"
~ 4 – 6 squirrels, cut into serving pieces ~ 1 small onion, roughly chopped ~ 1/4 cup Dales brand liquid seasoning ~ 1 tsp black pepper ~ 1/4 - 1/2 cup bacon bits ~ foil
* Pressure cook or parboil the squirrels with the onion until just tender. Remove and drain.
* Place the meat on a large sheet of foil and cover with the Dales seasoning, pepper and bacon bits.
* Heat oven to 400 degrees.
* Fold up edges to make a packet and seal.
* Shake around flipping as needed to mix and coat the meat evenly.
* Place on a baking sheet and place in oven.
* Bake for 15 minutes.
* Remove, serve and enjoy.
Thanks go out to Kent Townsend for sending in this recipe. For more squirrel recipes to cook up this fall, go to www.backwoodsbound.com/squir.html.
Remember to send your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com. We'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet.
I’m lucky enough to own 100 acres of ground, The Ranch, in southern Illinois and have planted a variety of things for food plots over the years. Everything from straight up clover to winter peas to various commercially available products have been planted with mixed results.
The last time I planted anything was back in 2014 when my best friend and hunting/fishing partner Kenny came down and lent a hand. He passed away that winter and the desire to “work the ground” just wasn’t there until last year.
Last August I decided to get back into it and see what I could to do.
The first thing I did was not cheap out like in past years and did a soil test. It was really easy to do. I went to the Bio-Logic web site (https://www.plantbiologic.com/pages/soil-test ) and followed their instructions. The cost was minimal. With postage I spent about $15.00 and the results were emailed to me in less than two days after they received my soil sample.
The results were very in depth and showed that the ground needed a lot of lime to bring the PH level up to a more desired level. Obviously fertilizer was needed with an extra dose of potassium (potash). I kind of cheaped out and only put half as much lime and potassium on as needed. The reasons? I had too much to haul down that weekend and only had room for 20 (40lb) bags of lime in the truck and could only find 2 bags of potash. The only place that sold it was my local Ace Hardware and they only had two bags on the shelf and there was no time to order more.
I was able to make a day trip down to the Ranch and sprayed two areas with Round-up to kill everything off a couple of weeks ahead of planting weekend.
The main plot is by what we call the Permanent Stand (PS). It’s about 1/3 of an acre in size. This area is where I did the soil test and the spot where all of the supplies were going to go.
The other spot I choose was on top of a hill by the Quad Pod (QP). This spot is just a cleared area about 15 yards wide by 50 – 60 yards long. It’s an offshoot from an access “road” leading out to a power line easement surrounded on both sides with trees ending at a two person Quad Pod at the end.
I spread the lime on the PS plot one day by myself. My son Josh was able to get off work and showed up the next day to lend a hand spreading the fertilizer (12-12-12), potash and seed on the following day. We planted Bio-Logic Green Patch Plus on it. We should have drug the harrow over the plot but since it was getting late and a hydraulic hose was leaking on the disc I decided to drive the truck across it mashing the seed into the dirt while Josh limped the disc back to camp before the hose completely blew out. Kind of a mistake as the next day I rode the 4-wheeler over to check it out and scared a bunch of birds away as I drove up.
That plot did okay but not like it should have. It didn’t help that it didn’t rain for nearly 3 weeks after planting. Deer still came in to eat what did grow as the pictures from the trail camera showed. I also took a big doe from it opening day of shotgun season.
A doe at the PS Plot in early November. Permanent Stand is 20 yds. out of frame to the right.
The QP plot fared much better. I did this one by myself because Josh had to get home and it gave me time to replace the old hoses on the disc.
I spread one bag of lime over the area along with 1½ bags of fertilizer. For seed I used some Shot Plot. I had also gone through my wife’s seed stash at home and dug out all of the old spinach, radish, lettuce, carrot and green bean seeds and mixed those in as well. It was going to be a buffet.
The QP plot came up super nice. Things grew over ankle high and greened up great. It’s funny how well it did with the same amount of rain on it and not dragging the harrow across it. It blows my mind.
QP Food Plot in early November. The Quad Pod is on the left.
The deer loved it as the trail cam pictures showed. Unfortunately Josh didn’t get to hunt as his job sent him to Texas so no one hunted the Quad Pod again. (Josh put up the Quad Pod in 2018 and didn’t get to hunt so I told everyone that nobody gets to hunt from it until Josh does. Hopefully he hunts this year.)
Next month I’ll fill you in about this year’s food plot preparations. I’ve added a new spot this year in the area we call the Ground Blind although the blind is now buried in a pile of tree tops and other debris the lumber guys shoved in front of it. It’s a great spot as two of the deer on my wall were taken there as well as a super nice buck my nephew Andy took from the buddy stand that’s taken the blind’s place.
Until next month. Remember to cover your seeds well.
Our handcrafted plaques are made from solid oak not plywood or particle board giving your trophy a solid base to anchor to. Each plaque comes stained with a wall hanger installed. Clear-coating is an available option. We specialize in unique designs! We’ve done everything from arrowheads to walleyes to shields to light bulbs, hanging and stand up designs! Just tell us what you have in mind and we’ll make it happen!
No matter what type of trophy you want to display, we have a plaque or trophy to fill the need. Contact us at sales@backwoodsbound.com with your ideas.
Don’t settle for an ordinary looking plaque! Go one better and order your AFTER THE SHOT Trophy Plaque today. Prices start at $33.95. Don’t wait, order today!
Visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/ats.html for photos and information on how to order your plaque. Order with our secure on-line ordering system and pay with confidence using Paypal.
"It only takes a little more to go first class."
HUNTIN' TIP: This month’s tip comes from Ryan Andrepont. “Earth cover scent can be made yourself by using an old coffee maker. Fill up a coffee filter with some clean dirt and run distilled water through it. It smells like the Earth scent you buy in the store.”
Send your tips to: mail@backwoodsbound.com and we’ll post them on the site or use them in a future issue of The Bullet.
  Things are kind of slow but they usually are this time of year. A few orders trickle in here and there for our After The Shot Trophy Plaques as folks get last year’s trophies out of the way to make room for this season’s goodies. Go to www.backwoodsbound.com/ats.html for all the information on our line of After The Shot Trophy Plaques
  We’re still in need of new recipes, tips, stories, fun facts and trail camera pictures for upcoming issues. Send everything else to mail@backwoodsound.com.
  Planning your fall and winter hunting adventures? Visit our Huntin’ Guides and Outfitters page at www.backwoodsbound.com/guideshunt.html for help. It’s a good place to start looking so have a peek. And if you find a bad link please let us know so we can remove it from the page.
Over 4000 potential customers could be reading YOUR ad right now instead of ours!
Place your ad here for $8.00 a month! Discount rates for multiple issues.
For more details, visit our site at: www.backwoodsbound.com/advertise.html. Or e-mail us at: sales@backwoodsbound.com.
Fishing season is fast approaching so place your ad now! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Los Angeles, CA, -- Impressum Media, publisher of the Firearms Guide series of guns and ammo reference and value guides just published new 11th Edition as Flash Drive & Online Combo!
  “The New Firearms Guide Flash Drive 11th Edition is published on a super-fast 16 GB flash drive for Windows. This new Flash Drive 11th Edition is so small that you can carry it on a key chain. It is the world’s largest searchable guns and ammo reference guide that presents over 77,000 antique and modern firearms, air guns and ammunition from 1,300 manufacturers worldwide. It covers all types of guns from the oldest black powder muskets to American classic guns to the newest 2020 guns from 55 countries. Users can search the guide by caliber, type of action or stock, by year of production, country of origin, or any other way and will get all the tech specs, prices, features and up to 12 high-resolution pictures per gun. That is the reason why Firearms Guide is used by many police forces in the world as a firearms identification tool" says Chris Mijic, publisher of Firearms Guide.
  “If you are a gunsmith you will love the fact that the new Flash Drive 11th Edition has over 8,000 printable high-resolution gun schematics & blueprints (+ over 15,000 online) that you can zoom on the screen of any PC to see the smallest gun parts or you can print them out when you work on client’s gun.” “Many Firearms Guide users love the fact that they can use the Flash Drive Edition offline, completely anonymously, without Google or any search engine or internet provider tracking and archiving their gun related searches that they can later sell to any client or deliver to the government. The Flash Drive Edition is independent gun database that works without internet and will work for years to come” says Chris Mijic, publisher of Firearms Guide. The Flash Drive Edition keeps privacy private.
 The new Firearms Guide 1th Edition Flash Drive & Online combo is:
 1. A Reference Guide that presents over 77,000 antique and modern firearms, air guns and ammunition from 1,300 manufacturers worldwide (55 countries).
- Presents guns with tech specs –60,000 hi-res pictures - features - ballistics - prices.
- Computer searchable with 14 different search criteria: caliber, year, price, action, country, stock, etc.
  2. A Gun Value Guide that presents antique and modern guns with gun values online based off of the 100% - 30% condition ratings.
- Now you can quickly and precisely estimate value of each gun in your collection.
 3. A Gun Manuals, Schematics and Blueprints Library with over 15,000 printable gun manuals, schematics and blueprints online for all types of antique and modern guns, 8,000 on a Flash Drive – ideal for gunsmiths.
- Print out original blueprints for AK-47, 1911, AR-15, Luger, M1 Garand, M14, MP44, STG44, P38, etc. Print out Armorers Manuals for SIG, H&K, Glock, FN, IWI, Blaser, RSAF, Webley, Vickers, etc.
  4. Target Library and US-EU Caliber Chart – it presents 650 printable targets (zombies, animals, silhouettes, crosshairs, etc.) and convenient caliber two-way conversion chart for American and European calibers.
  5. Better than Google – With 14 search criteria you can perform simple or complex searches that you cannot do with Google and get precise search result. For example, if you type in Google "polymer frame pistol in 9mm" your search result is 482,000 web pages. The same search in Firearms Guide will bring up 400 relevant pistols.
 "With this new combo you get two products – Off-line and Online Editions. The Flash Drive Edition is a super-fast, modern standalone off-line edition for Windows that you can carry on your keychain. The Flash Drive also carries activation codes for the Online Edition that, once activated, our users can access from any computer and tablet from any location, 24/7. Updates are free.” states Chris Mijic, editor of Firearms Guide.
  For more information on how to order your guide, visit www.firearmsguide.com or email support@firearmsguide.com.
  A group of young bucks were photographed last October by Josh Burns’ camera in southern Illinois.
Send your trail camera or outdoor pictures to mail@backwoodsbound.com.
  What better meal to have at camp but chili! An easy to make, hearty tasting, and delicious pot meal of chili made from Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix hits the spot after a day of hiking, swimming or hanging out with family. Its unique blend of herbs and spices makes a great pot of chili everyone loves without the aid of added fillers or MSG!
Try it for all of your cooking needs! Backwoods Bound Chili Seasoning Mix makes all sorts of great meals you’ll love like jambalaya, enchiladas, stuffed manicotti and lasagna. Also try it as a dry rub or marinade on your beef and deer roasts or steaks.
  Enjoy at home or hunting camp in single pot packets or the triple value pack.
  Order your supply at www.backwoodsbound.com/chili.html.   "Not too mild.... Not too hot.... Treat yourself and make a pot!"
~ bluegill fillets ~ crushed original flavor Triscuit crackers ~ 1 – 2 tbsp corn meal ~ Bisquick mix ~ 1 can beer ~ oil for frying
* Crush up a bunch of Triscuit crackers. Stir in a tablespoon or two of corn meal. Spread on a shallow plate.
* In a bowl, make a thick batter from the Bisquick mix and beer.
* Dip the fillets in the batter then dredge in the Triscuit mix and place on a clean plate until all the fillets are coated.
* In a large skillet, cast iron preferred, heat about 1/2" of oil over medium-high heat.
* Add the coated fillets to the hot oil. Fry until golden brown turning 3 -4 times.
* Drain on paper towels.
* Salt to taste and enjoy!
* For a different flavor, try the cracked pepper flavor Triscuits. Many thanks to our buddy Lloyd Barnhart for sharing this recipe with us. For more fish recipes to try, visit our site at www.backwoodsbound.com/zfish.html.
Send your favorite recipe to mail@backwoodsbound.com and we'll post it on the site or use it in an upcoming issue of The Bullet
ANSWER TO BACKWOODS TRIVIA: The word “dinosaur” combines the Latin words deinos meaning terrifying and sauros meaning lizard. So dinosaur means terrifying lizard.