October 2008 Crazy Captions
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
~ "Great Halloween costume Bubba but next time just go for the witch costume." Lisa E. ~ "Jonah, Are you in there?" Anthony ~ "Ok, what just happened? One minute I'm at a zoo feeding an alligator and the next second I'm in a prarie with my dinner eating me!" Sara ~ "Did you catch that Ben? Nope, I was just out here walking and it jumped up and bit me in the nose... Here's your sign!" Mike
~ "Did you catch that Ben? Nope, I was just out here walking and it jumped up and bit me in the nose... Here's your sign!" Mike ~ "Here's a shot of Ben, always the over-achiever, an hour after his CPR class." M L ~ "So that's what happened to my pole!" Brenda ~ "Sadly the Northern Kissing Booth was not a huge hit at the ND state fair." ML ~ "Oh cool, you hold this up to your ear and you can smell the ocean." Tinker ~ "Hmmm... somthing smells fishy in here." Mike
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
~ "Ben posing with his lure before a fishing trip in Houston. I guess everything really is bigger in Texas!" Mikey ~ "Who's got your nose? Who's got your nose?" M L ~ "I'm sorry honey. Our love is just not meant to be, even in Arkansas! Let's have one last kiss and go our own ways." The Doc ~ "They say our love is wrong, but we can go to California." Voodoo Acrobat
~ "Just listen to me officer. I'm tired of sleeping with all the Mafia dead guys! That's why I'm on land." David T. ~ "Yes! You do have bad breath." Len ~ "Billy-Bob wasn't clear on the concept of 'Pike's peek'." The Twitch Man ~ "Here, I will give you some mouth to mouth. Len M. ~ "Hello my Baby, Hello my Honey, Hello, My Rag-Time Doll....." DWT ~ "Ben becomes yet another victim of the elusive Grass Northern." M L
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
~ "Unfortunately Ben 'The Northern Hunter' Irwin never achieved the success of his big brother Steve, 'The Crocodile Hunter'." Mike L. ~ "Ben tries out his new 'Garmin Marine Band Cell Phone'. 'Hello, helloo, helloooo'." May L. ~ "Ben demonstrates a trick he learned this summer at Uncle Daddy’s Alligator Wrasslin Farm down in Arkansas" Benny ~ "Pinnnoocchiooooo!" Ed ~ "Is that you in there Mr. Hoffa?" Phil McCracken
~ "Ok, a perch and a catfish walk into a bar, the bartender says..." Benny L. ~ "Ever catch a muskie, Ed? Nope, just call this one a bullhead, DUH!" Bubba Smith ~ "Frankie 'The Fish' Pesci found the perfect disguise for the Witness Protection Program." Davy ~ "Bill where are you?" Len M. ~ "Musta been the sayin', Of Fishers Of Men?" Bubba Smith ~ "It..it was Sarah, Sarah Palin...aaaaaagggghhhhh." Twitch
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
"I Know My Ball Landed Around Here Somewhere." |
~ "Honey please come out. I need you." L M ~ "If you think THIS one's big, you should have seen the one that got away!" Mike ~ "Sadly, Bill discovered the real fate of 'The Incredible Mr. Limpet'." Wayne ~ "Noses and ears pierced only $1.00." Princess ~ "Homer teaches his pet dog fish Splash how to bark." Dave ~ "Honest honey, I looked everywhere for my car keys!!" M L ~ "Can you hear me now?" Fred E.