"What Do You Want To Do Now Spike?" |
~ "Holy crap ma I'm hungry. Can I have have that? No. I have food on the table back at the glacier... and don't start whining either." Chris ~ "Are you sure Im a polar bear? Yes! Why? Because I'm cold!" Kelly W. ~ "Yes I do Junior, but right now I don't see any woods." DWT ~ "Mom, am I really Polar bear? Course you are son. Are you sure Mom? Of course I'm sure. Then why am I so bloody cold?" Lee
~ "Hey Ma pull my finger!" Joe H. ~ "Hey Spike, wanna go beat up some seals?" Boo Boo ~ "Oh...great,is that mama bear! Yes, son and I believe you're in trouble." Christa ~ "Here comes that crazy Nanook again. There's a fine example of why you don't sniff seal butts." Herman M. ~ "Someone tell Ben there's a new photo." Ed E. Tor ~ "Finally! Here come the penguins with our Coca Cola." Barry ~ "...And then I says to him..., hey what's that over there?" George
"What Do You Want To Do Now Spike?" |
"What Do You Want To Do Now Spike?" |
~ "Nnnowww, Sonny! Once the pond ices over you can go figureskating, okay? Hokey dkey mommie!" Wickedly Jane ~ "Hey, Ma! 'Stead of fish how bout a milkshake from thuh riverbank, Maaaaa!!" Bubba Smith ~ "Are you sure you don't want to stop and ask for directions?" Madison ~ "Hey, there's Al Gore! Looks tasty doesn't he, and filling too." Ben L. ~ "Puth! Puth! I see what You mean about the yellow snow mom." Dave