~ 10 squirrels
~ 2 cups corn
~ 1 lb. bacon, chopped
~ 5 lb. potatoes, diced
~ 2 qt. tomatoes
~ 3 lb. onions
~ 2 lb. lima beans
~ 1 cup chopped celery
~ 1/4 cup worcestershire sauce
~ salt & pepper to taste
~ flour
Put the squirrels in a large pan. Cover half way with water. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer until the squirrels are tender.
Remove the squirrels from the stock. Set the stock aside. Remove the meat from the bones.
Return the meat to the stock and add the corn, bacon, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, beans, celery, salt & pepper, and worcestershire sauce.
Cook for 2 hours stirring occasionally.
To thicken the stew add a small amount of flour mixed with water. Simmer 20 - 30 minutes longer.
Serve & Enjoy!