Wash quail and leave wet. Salt and pepper each to taste.
In a large skillet, heat the oil.
Place flour in a bag, and shake each quail, one at a time until covered. Save flour.
Place the quail in the hot oil and fry like chicken. Reduce heat so they don't burn.
When the quail is done, remove to a warm platter and drain on paper towels. Use the oil and drippings for the gravy.
Take about 1 1/2 cups of the flour from the bag and place in the skillet and mix with the drippings. Add more oil or flour as necessary to make a pasty consistency. Heat until brown stirring constantly.
Stirring constantly, add 1/2 of the water and the soup. Mix well.
Add more water until pan is 1/2" from being full or use the rest of the quart. Stir constantly.
Just before the gravy gets to the desired consistency, remove from heat. Gravy will thicken some as it sets.
Serve the gravy over the quail and/or mashed potatoes.