Barry's Grilled Parmesan Salmon Sent in by Barry Smith.
~ 3 – 4 salmon fillets ~ 1/2 stick butter, melted ~ 2 – 3 tbsp olive oil ~ fresh chopped thyme, sweet basil, dill ~ 1 lemon or lime ~ salt ~ fresh ground black pepper ~ grated parmesan cheese
Place fillets on a sheet of foil.
Mix the butter and oil together. Spread on the fillets.
Sprinkle on the herbs. Salt and pepper to taste.
Cut the lemon in half and drizzle the juice onto the fillets.
Heat your grill to 400 degrees.
Place foil with the fillets on it on the hot grill.
Sprinkle the fillets with the cheese.
Grill for 12 – 18 minutes or until the fish flakes easily.
Serve with your favorite side dishes and enjoy.