Ducks With Orange Sauce Thanks to Rocky for sending in this recipe.
~ 2 ducks ~ 1 medium onion, chopped ~ 2 apples, cored and sliced ~ 1 stalk celery, chopped ~ salt ~ fresh ground pepper ~ 1 can concentrated orange juice ~ 1/4 cup honey ~ 2 tbsp butter ~ 1 tbsp lemon juice
Soak ducks overnight in salt water.
Remove the ducks. Drain and dry.
Season the insides of the ducks with salt and pepper.
Place the onion, apples and celery in the ducks and tie close if needed.
Place ducks in a roasting pan. Add about a ¼” of water. Season the outsides with salt and pepper.
Cover pan and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
When you get the ducks in the oven place the orange juice, honey, butter and lemon juice in a sauce pan.
Heat over low heat until smooth and blended stirring constantly.
Baste the ducks after 15 minutes and every 15 minutes after.
After the last basting, remove cover so the glaze gets nice and thick. Watch to make sure it doesn’t start to burn.
Remove from oven and let rest a few minutes.
Remove the stuffing and discard.
Serve garnished with orange slices.