Spicy Fried Duck Strips Sent in by Aaron T..
~ 8 mallard duck breasts ~ 1 cup Worcestershire sauce ~ 1 cup teriyaki sauce ~ 1 large bag jalapeno flavored potato chips ~ oil ~ ranch and/or blue cheese dressing for dipping
Slice the breasts lengthwise into 1/4" thick strips.
Combine the Worcestershire and the teriyaki sauces together.
Place the duck strips in a large zip lock bag or container with a lid.
Pour on the sauce mixture. Seal/cover and refrigerate overnight.
Remove the duck from the marinade and drain.
Put the potato chips into a large zip lock bag and smash and pulverize them into crumbs.
Heat the oil in a deep fryer or in a large skillet.
Place the duck strips in to the chips and shake to coat evenly.
Add to the hot oil and fry until golden brown.
Drain on paper towels until all the duck is cooked.
Serve with the dressing for dipping.