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Bear Jerky
Sent in by Brad Kleinsmid.

~ 3-4 pounds bear meat, cut into strips
~ 1 quart water
~ 1/4 cup Morton Tender Quick or curing salt
~ 1/2 cup brown sugar
~ 1 tbsp black pepper
~ 1 tbsp granulated garlic

Cut the meat into strips across the grain.

In a large glass bowl, mix the water, salt, brown sugar, pepper and garlic togther. Stir until salt and sugar are dissolved.

Add the bear meat and mix thoroughly.

Cover and refrigerate 8 - 10 hours. Make sure the meat stays down in the marinade. Stir ocassionally.

Remove the meat. Do not rinse. Pat dry or place on racks and let air dry for up to 1 hour.

If additional pepper flavor is desired, grind fresh black pepper on meat before air drying.

Dry according to your smokers directions. Cooking times will vary depending on make and model of smoker and weather conditions. Try to keep the temperature of the smoker between 150º and 200º.

Check for doneness after 3 hours. Larger cuts of jerky can be finished on a baking sheet in the oven at 165º, check every 15 minutes.

When jerky is done to desired doneness, place in a glass bowl and cover with plastic wrap until cool.

Keep refrigerated or frozen if storing for an extended time.

You can vary the spices in the marinate. Try using lemon pepper, onion powder, cayenne pepper, crushed jalapenos, liquid smoke or teriyaki sauce.

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